Your best people leave first!

People don’t leave jobs, they leave poor managers. They may join for the company, for the opportunity, for the skills or the money, but at the end of the day, they leave poor managers.

If you’re not convinced, try this visualization.

Have you ever had to work for, or work with, a bad manager? You may not remember exactly how bad it was, but ask your friends, ask your significant other, they’ll remember and be able to tell you the type of impact it had on you. You might be working for one right now. Think about the impact of that person on you and those around you? How did you feel day in and day out?

Did you find yourself productive or drained? Successful or Stressed?

If you worked for a bad manager, then the chances are very good that you did not find yourself productive or successful.

When you are working for a bad manager all problems are magnified.  Your pay is too low and your vacation too short, even your chair isn’t good enough. You aren’t...

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