Looking at the end of 2019

As we get to the end of 2019, some of you may see our Blog posts slowing down. This is intentional as we've put a big push into 3 other great resources.

1. The Leadership Fail series: Sometimes being able to see the impact of poor leadership helps reinforce the lessons on how to lead well. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel to catch these Leadership Fails and other great video tools at http://bit.ly/2E7e2dF

2. Weekly Leadership Tools (AKA The Old School series): Mostly whiteboard/chalkboard based tools and ideas to get you thinking about the root of a problem or the principles by stripping away all of the technology and flashing lights. You can find these on the Threshold Learning Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/thresholdlearning

3. Leadership Unlocked: Our online leadership training course and community designed to bring the the knowledge and tools to anyone who wants to become a great leader. You can get on the mailing list at https://www.thresholdlearning.net/leadership-unlocked-info and watch for course launch announcements. There will be a limited enrollment window so you won't want to miss your chance!



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