Personal Power for Technical Leaders

A few weeks back we covered some of the reasons that your stakeholders (or your audience in general) may not be listening to what you say. This is despite whatever technical credentials you might have or whatever position you might hold in your organization.

If you haven’t had a chance to read it, we suggest you get through it first since the rest of this post refers back at several points. You can find it here.

While positional authority is where technical experts may be naturally drawn to as a first choice for getting things done (literally anything and everything) it’s not always effective and furthermore it’s rarely your best choice. Where is it a good choice? Often when personal safety is a factor or there is some other great urgency. For example, evacuation during fire.

Outside of those very rare times, Personal Power is the better way to achieve your goal and get results.

What is personal power?

There’s some confusion in the term Personal Power. In...

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