Plan fully and then execute fully

This is Part Two to Plan Fully Then Execute Fully

You can find Part One at here

Once you’ve completed your planning fully, you’re ready for execution. The execution overview is simple, but that doesn't mean the steps are easy.

The steps are straightforward but, in many cases, getting the answers you need takes time. Getting the time you need is even harder. With that in mind, the planning and execution process are designed to help you prioritize actions with the understanding that you have limited personal time and resources. That's why you prioritize stakeholders by the ones that have the highest impact first. That's also why you need to plan for what your expected outcomes should look like (and when you expect to see them). This is how you strike a fine balance between giving an initiative enough time to show progress versus waiting passively until someone else calls an end to your project.

Execution Steps:

Develop your communication strategies:

  • What stakeholder?
  • What...
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Plan fully and then execute fully

This blog comes courtesy of one of our students. At the end of an intensive course, he sat back and reflected that half of what we taught was based on getting aspiring and improving leaders to actually do the preparation work and the other half was following through on execution.

It was a great summary, but out of context, it doesn’t tell anyone outside the class much.

To make it more useful, we’ll dig a little deeper into each of the areas. The purpose is to give you an overview so you can build your own map.

Doing the preparation work is hard for some people. Some people are good at starting but not finishing. Others are good at finishing, but don’t know where to start.

The preparatory work happens on 2 levels: the big picture (the long game) and the immediate.

Big picture preparatory work includes:

  1. Understand your organization, your customers and how value is created
  2. Understand your role in the organization and how that connects to customer value
  3. Understand the...
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